How does it feel???
How does it feel to be the youngest in your family??
How does it feel when everyone is already grown up but you still like that??
How does it feel when you are nothing to your parents??
You only mean to them when:
- there is fruit that you need to peel and cut of
- there is fish or chicken that you need to clean
- there is no one to look after the house when they are not around
- there are clothes and trousers that need to be ironed
How does it feel when you have to listen to their story on how good your brothers and sisters are???
And everything you done were nothing to them??
How does it feel when you have no friend to share laughter and cry??
How does it feel to lock yourself in your room all day long without nothing to do except sleeping??
How does it feel when your sisters call you and tell you that they had such a great and enjoying time with their friends????
How does it feel when you are talking to your sister and she is not willing to listen??
How does it feel when you have to live in rush everyday???
How does it feel when you are not allowed to go out??
How does it feel while working your colleagues tell you that they had such a great dinner with their family at a new restaurant and you never had dinner with your family at restaurant?? How does it feel???
How does it feel when you have such a big sum of loan and you cannot further your study anymore because you don’t even have money to pay the loan that have already being used and how you are going to take a new loan???
How does it feel when you are the most stupid and dumb in your family??
How does it feel when you got a good result and your parents did not appreciate it and nobody gave present to you???
How does it feel when you have to buy a present to yourself to console yourself because others don’t care about you???
How does it feel to be surrounded by so many people but in reality they actually don’t exist???
How does it feel to lose one by one good friend of yours???
How does it feel when you don’t have an opportunity to meet a person that you think it might be your soul mate because you are not allowed to go out without your parents??
How does it feel to be alone in this world??
How does it feel when your friend share their stories of went shopping with their mum and you have nothing to tell them because you never went shopping with your mum except for buying fish and vegetables together????
How does it feel when your classmates telling you their vacation stories and you had nothing to tell them because you spend your holiday by sleeping, eating, and do the dishes??
How does it feel when others having their great time but you are lying alone in your bed crying???
How does it feel when you lose your childhood and your teenage hood is leaving you without you even have a chance to taste and feel the sweetness of being a teenager??
How does it feel when nobody listen??
How does it feel when nobody care because they already got what they want in their life??
How does it feel when nobody understand you??
How does it feel to suffer for twelve years??
How does it feel when Eid means nothing to you anymore??
It is better to die than to live if people treat you like you are a robot.
Heartless and meaningless.